Aparium Hotel Group - Surety Hotel

  • Vue
  • Vue Router
  • Vuex
  • Wordpress
  • ACF Pro
  • Custom Theme
  • A screenshot of surety hotel's homepage, showcasing its sleek interior design
  • Mobile screenshot of a hotel room detail page, demonstrating the website's unique and modern asymmetrical designs.
  • Mobile layout of Surety Hotel's Mulberry Street Tavern landing page, demonstrating responsiveness

As hotel management company Aparium Hotel Group prepared to launch the Surety Hotel in Des Moines, Iowa, my agency was brought on to develop a site that invites prospective guests to experience what both the hotel and the city of Des Moines have to offer.

As the sole developer on this project, I worked in Vue and Wordpress to bring the client's vision to life.

  • Built a custom Wordpress theme with a Vue front-end.
  • Created reusable components and CSS to speed up development.
  • Worked with Advanced Custom Fields to create highly customized and flexible content blocks to allow the client to build pages and Custom Post Types with ease.
  • Leveraged the WP JSON REST API to retrieve all data dynamically populating the site.
  • Captured form data with Gravity Forms and routed user submissions via Postmark.
  • Plugged in Yoast SEO.
  • Integrated the Google Maps Javascript API for map functionality.

This was such a fun one for me. The designer's vision was so unique and visually appealing. Bringing it to life and honoring each pixel was a total pleasure.