Samson Technologies, Inc.

  • Nuxt
  • Django
  • Wagtail
  • GraphQL
  • Samson website's desktop homepage
  • Samson website's product detail landing paage
  • Samson website's mobile homepage
  • Samson website's product-finder functionality

Samson Technologies, a subsidiary of Sam Ash Music, came to our agency with a desire to completely rebuild their existing site. They had two major goals: integrating e-commerce functionality for the very first time and bringing the design out of the late 90s. They needed an entirely new user experience to better support their customer base of musicians, audio professionals, and music enthusiasts.

As sole front-end developer, I was tasked with building out the front-end of the new site and integrating all data. However, I also found myself thrust into the role of joint Backend Developer and the world of Django and Wagtail (with which I had zero previous experience). Along the way I:

  • Built pages and reusable components in Nuxt
  • Integrated eCommerce functionality from Direct Commerce Platform
  • Utilized Omacro for geofencing and for retailer maps.
  • Implemented complex product filtering, and product registration.
  • Built out a flexible CMS using Wagtail's Streamfield to allow the client to easily create and modify pages.
  • Built unique Page models when necessary.
  • Fetched page data with GraphQL queries to pass to Nuxt components.
  • Extended the REST API when necessary by creating custom endpoints for complex requests and queries.
  • Attended weekly meetings with our client to show progress, explain CMS usage and take feedback and/or new requests.

I gained an incredible amount of knowledge on this project through trial by fire, and I'm definitely proud. The best part, however, was when our contacts at Samson surprised me with a guitar (from their sister guitar company). It is by far one of the coolest 'thank you' gifts I've ever received. And it truly moved me to know that all the hard work and long hours were noticed and appreciated!